Implicit creation of series

Implicit creation of series

To create a new record in the Series module via ingestion, use the series template.


  • TitleLeaf internally terms a series as a collection. This is a coding issue. We will attempt to utilize the term series in all public documentation.

  • A series record does not have an ISBN. ISBNs are for salable products. There is, however, a proprietary_id column. Sets, on the other hand, are salable and have ISBNs. Both a Title and a Set are subclasses of the Product module. To create a Set, use the products-default template but specify the product type as Set.

To associate a Title/Set with a Series, use the series column on the products-default template. The Series will be created if it doesn't exist prior to the ingestion of the Title/Set. To determine if the Series exists, TitleLeaf will search the Series module by the value in the series column (ie the series name) scoped by publisher to avoid the situation where multiple publishers have Series of the same name.

If you know the Series proprietary_id, then another option to associate a Title with a Series is to add a proprietary_series_id column to the products-default template. In this situation, to determine if the Series exists, TitleLeaf will search the Series module by the value in the proprietary_series_id column. The search is not scoped since the proprietary_id value must be unique for the entire Series module.

To associate a Title with a Set, use the set1, set2, etc columns on the products-default template. The Set must exist prior to the ingestion of the Title. To determine if the Set exists, TitleLeaf will search the Product module by the value in the respective set column (ie the Set name). The search is not scoped by publisher since a Set can contain products from multiple publishers (contrast to Series). It will use the most recently created Set matching the given name. TitleLeaf will not create the Set if it is not found. Instead it will raise a warning.

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