Fix MARC file

Fix MARC file

If TitleLeaf fails to process your MARC file while creating a collection analysis report, try the following procedure.

Convert your MARC file

Preliminary: Download and install the MarcEdit application. Open the MarcEdit application. Locate MARC file to fix (eg, sample.mrc).

  1. In the MarcEdit application, open the MARC Tools module

  2. Select Operation: MarcBreak

  3. Select Data to Process: Open: sample.mrc

  4. Save As: sample-tmp.mrk

  5. Click "Execute" button

If successful, "Results" at bottom of window will confirm. Close MARC Tools window.

  1. In the MarcEdit application, open the MarcEditor module

  2. Select menu item File > Open. Select the newly created "sample-tmp.mrk" file

  3. Select menu item File > Compile Options > Compile file to MARC

  4. Save as "sample-fixed.mrc"

If successful, close the MarcEditor window and quit the MarcEdit application.

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