Products vs Product Formats

Products vs Product Formats

In TitleLeaf, a "Product" can have one or more "Product Formats". The Product attributes can be found on the "Edit Product" form of the Admin UI or the "products" ingestion template. The Product Format attributes can be found on the "Edit Product Format" form of the Admin UI or the "product_formats" ingestion template.

The "products-with-one-format" template contains attributes for both Product and Product Format records. It is offered as a convenience method to create/update Product and Product Format attributes simultaneously.

If, as a publisher, you release your product in multiple formats simultaneously, it is recommended that you use the "products" template to create a Product and then the “product_formats” template to create all its associated Product Formats.

Products List (Admin > Catalog > Products):

Edit Product Form (Admin > Catalog > Products):

Product Formats List (Admin > Catalog > Products > Edit Product):

Edit Product Format Form (Admin > Catalog > Products > Edit Product > Product Formats):