Product not showable

Product not showable

Scenario: User is redirected from product page to home with message:

Product is not showable

There a multiple data points to check when a product is unexpectedly marked as “not showable”:

  • Is the “Visible?” field on the “Edit Format” page set to “Yes”?

  • Is the “Visible?” field on the “Edit Product” page set to “Yes”?

  • Is the “Visible?” field on the “Edit Product Format” page set to “Yes”?

  • Is the “Status” field on the “Edit Product Format” page set to “Active” or “Not Yet Published”?

  • Is the “Release Date” field on the “Edit Product Format” page in the past?

    • OR is the “Announce Date” field on the “Edit Product Format” page in the past?

    • OR Is the “Preorder Date” field on the “Edit Product Format” page in the past?

These data points are summarized in the “Showable Checklist” section of the “Show Product” and “Show Product Format” views:

The sum of these data points and the public threshold dictate the status of the “Public” link in the admin sidebar: