Set vs Series

Set vs Series

When utilizing TitleLeaf, the term Set should not be confused with the term Series. TitleLeaf follows closely the ONIX for Books standard. To paraphrase their definitions, a Set is a salable product, composed of a fixed number of sub-products. A Series is not a salable product; it is a grouping for marketing purposes of an indefinite number of products published over an indefinite period of time.

In TitleLeaf terms, a Set is managed via the Product module (see Admin → Catalog → Products). A Set is a Product record with its type defined as Set (as opposed to Title). A Series, on the other hand, is managed via the Series module (see Admin → Catalog → Series). Another distinction is that a Series cannot span products from multiple publishers, whereas a Set can.

Further Explanation

In practical terms, a Set is snapshot of a Series on a specific date. The contents of a Set are fixed. If titles are added to a Series at a later date, then a new Set should be created to replace the old Set.

For an exact definition, please consult the following excerpts from ONIX for Books, Release 2.1, Revision 03:

A “series” means an indefinite number of products, published over an indefinite time period, and grouped together under a series title, primarily for marketing purposes. A series does not have an EAN-13 number, ISBN or UPC, and it is not traded as a single item, although it may be possible to place a standing order for successive items in the series to be supplied automatically.

A “set” means a finite number of products grouped together under a set title. The products may originally be published over a period of time, but generally they have become or will become available for simultaneous purchase. A set may be traded as a single item or in separate parts or both. If traded as a single item, a set should have its own product identifier such as an EAN-13 number and/or an ISBN.

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