Distribution failed to upload

Distribution failed to upload

If you attempt a distribution and receive an "upload failed" message, either 1) TitleLeaf failed to connect to the FTP site at all or 2) the connection failed during upload.

Upload failed ‘package-####’

  1. To verify the initial connection, test the channel destination. Resend the distribution once the channel destination is accessible. If the account is inaccessible for multiple days, contact the third-party in charge of the destination indicating so.

  2. If the distribution fails again, verify the FTP user account has sufficient permissions to create and access the “path” as defined in TitleLeaf by using a third-party FTP application. If you can’t manually create such a path and upload a file as in the screenshot below, contact the third-party in charge of the destination for further instructions.

If none of these options solve the problem, please open a TitleLeaf support ticket.