What customer categories are considered Institutions?

What customer categories are considered Institutions?

It depends on your specific TitleLeaf implementation. During site setup, you define the customer categories and which are further considered “Institutions”. By default, “School” and “Library” categories are considered “Institutions”.

Default Customer Categories

During site setup, the acceptable “Customer Categories” are defined.

The default customer categories dropdown

Each category is also defined as either an “Institution” or not. Institutions have access to TitleLeaf’s Library Processing Specifications module and the “Library Processing” step during checkout.


The “Customer Category” field can be made visible to guests on the registration form. It can also be hidden if a customer service team would prefer to manually categorize customers.

The Register form of the TitleLeaf public interface

Your Account > Change Profile

Similar to the registration form, the “Change Profile” form can also include the “Customer Category” field.

Admin > Sales > Users