Package failed due to "too many IDs"

Package failed due to "too many IDs"

When creating a package, a potential error is:

Failed to create package: Preferences results in too many Ids, Resultant IDs can't be blank


The package settings result in too many product formats being packaged. In other words, TitleLeaf can’t create a package with that many assets in it. Most often, this is because the resultant package file would be too large (> 5 GB) or it would take too long to create (> 1 hour). The limit itself depends on your specific TitleLeaf instance, a setting named “Package Item Limit” (Admin > Management > Settings > Package).


Break your package into multiple, smaller packages. For example, instead of trying to package 3 years of ebooks, create packages for each individual year (ie, 3 smaller packages).

As a rule of thumb, we recommend packaging no more than a 500 ebooks, 5000 images, or 20000 data records at a time. How many publishing seasons or calendar years this represents ultimately depends on the number of titles your company creates per season/year.


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