Do you provide service estimates?

Do you provide service estimates?

Yes, a service time estimate can be provided on request to clients with an active service plan. NB: The time required to create an estimate is applied to the service plan.

Without a service plan, refer to the following table of estimates.





Add item to header dropdown menu

5 minutes

Add item to footer column

5 minutes

Answer basic question (text only)

5 minutes

Answer question, providing step-by-step instructions with optional screenshots

15 minutes

Provide “bounced email” report

15 minutes

Create channel for existing distribution partner

15 minutes

Update basic custom page

30 minutes

Add simple dropdown menu to header

1 hour

Create basic custom page

1 hour

Create channel rules for new distribution partner

1 hour

Add custom SSL certificate

1 hour

Add basic data asset type to Packages module

1.5 hours

Adjust ONIX feed

1.5 hours

Add full-width dropdown menu to header

2 hours

Review data ingestion file

2 hours

Add column to footer

2 hours

Adjust product page layout

2 hours

Adjust search results layout

2 hours

Create or cleanup complex custom page

2 hours

Add complex data asset type to Packages module

2.5 hours