Create a new Google Doc spreadsheet using the product formats template file (See menu item: File > Make a Copy…). Name the new file as you deem necessary, but omit spaces (e.g., product_formats-YYYYMMDD where YYYYMMDD is today's date).
Assign new isbns to the new product formats. They will be placed in the "isbn" column of the new file.
Copy/paste data from the pre-existing product format into new product formats file. The pre-existing format ISBN should be pasted into the "associated isbn" column. Notes:
- If the release date is in the future, then the status must be set to NYP
- Remove blank rows from the bottom of the file
- Avoid carriage returns in description and annotation fields
When the new file is complete, download the data as a CSV file to your local machine. Follow the same naming convention as in step 1, but add a ".csv" extension (e.g., product_formats-YYYYMMDD.csv).
Create a new ingestion through the website admin. Be certain to select Product Formats from the "Type" drop-down menu.
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