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  1. Navigate to the Shipping section of the Setting page, found under the Management menu.

    Titleleaf management menu, settings itemImage RemovedTitleleaf management menu, settings itemImage Added

  2. Define as needed.

    TitleLeaf settings, shipping sectionImage RemovedTitleLeaf settings, shipping sectionImage Added

    Note: To offer free shipping for Institutions, select Yes for the Free Shipping for Institutions field. To include the cost of digital products in the shipping calculation, select Yes for the Include Digital Products in Net field. The Additional Shipping Description will be presented to the customer on checkout. It is in addition to the shipping carrier.

  3. Click the countries link to define shipping settings on the country level.

    Countries indexImage RemovedCountries indexImage Added

  4. The first step to defining country shipping information is to activate the countries that your company sells in.

    After that, set the shipping algorithm for the selected country using the Shipping Rate et al fields.

    Country, USImage RemovedCountry, USImage Added